Pictured from left to right: BCCEC Vice-Chairman, Timothy Ingraham, BCCEC ChairMAN Khrystle Rutherford Ferguson, United Kingdom Charge d'Affaires Daniel Hart and Political Attaché Ms. Jerusa Ali
On Friday, August 12th, Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation (BCCEC) Chairperson Khrystle Rutherford Ferguson and BCCEC Vice-Chairman, Timothy Ingraham held a courtesy call with United Kingdom Charge d'Affaires Daniel Hart and Political Attaché Ms. Jerusa Ali during which the UK’s Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) was discussed.
Discussions also revolved around how people can continue to utilize the trade agreement to increase investment and trade between the UK and The Bahamas. The Economic Partnership Agreement safeguards business access to Bahamian and UK markets. The agreement contains the same tariff and services commitments that were negotiated initially in the CARIFORUM-EU Agreement to which The Bahamas and UK were parties. The CARIFORUM-UK EPA commits the UK to provide immediate duty-free, quota-free access to the UK market for Bahamian exporters.
Charge d'Affaires Hart expressed his desire to help promote the UK as a place to do business and as well as have discussions regarding Bahamian businesses exporting goods/services to the UK and vice versa.
BCCEC Chairperson Mrs. Rutherford-Ferguson expressed her interest in working closely with the British High Commission and the London Chamber of Commerce on joint initiatives in the future. The new British High Commission is expected to be installed shortly and is eager to meet with stakeholders.
For more information about the EPA agreement: https://mofstii.gov.bs/improved-trade-between-the-bahamas-and-uk-to-come-as-economic-partnership-agreement-talks-begin/