Mr. Franklyn Butler, President and CEO of the Group said that “The business has demonstrated agility in a new reality. It is doing all it can to ensure we continued to operate. We continue to closely monitor developments with respect to COVID-19. We have activated and adapted, where and when necessary, our business continuity plans since March. At the time, REV & ALIV stores had to close at the start of the pandemic. We have taken this time over the last three months to complete a review of our store operations, for both REV & ALIV, holistically. As part of this review, we have decided to close our REV store at Marathon Mall for renovations, for the time being, and deliver support for the full suite of REV services via our ALIV store at Marathon Mall, here in New Providence. Simply, everything we did at the REV Marathon Mall store, will now be done at the ALIV Marathon Mall store. Plus we are also extending this REV service to our ALIV store locations at Southwest Plaza to serve the needs of our REV customers even further. Most importantly, we have also further increased the methods for REV bill payments via ALIV. All REV bills can now be paid via the MyALIV app, at all ALIV kiosks, at all ALIV stores and on all ALIV terminals. ”
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